Sunday, August 28, 2011

My new guess wallet..!!

This is my new wallet (the saleswoman showed me many but i really liked this one mostly because it matches almost any of my outfits..). My last one (which i really really loved) was stolen and i lost my identity , my school card, my library card, some cash and a credit card..:( So i went shopping and bought this one.. It is kind of big and i am a huge fan of big wallets..:)

My rainbow palette...!!!

One day we went shopping with my boyfriend and on our way we stopped at sephora and i saw these palettes.. I didn't have any money then and i was impresses because they were the first palettes i ever saw. So my boyfriend remembered it and bought them for my christmas present..(that is why my powder and blush section are kind of empty.. I was so excited because my family does not have a lot of money and i could not afford it (i started working in may)... But there they were.. In front of me.. I really like them even now that i have bought some other palettes.. 

So here are the swatches from this palette...
This is the second palette...

And here are some swatches...
And a picture with both of them...
All these palettes came in this little box...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tips on staying young and beautiful..!!

We all know what is right for our health, for our hair, for our face etc. But that is all theory.. What actually do we do to make theory happen in real. Now that summer ends and a new season is coming we all should make a plan on how to be even more beautiful.. So these are the things that i believe that are really helpful.. 

1. Put always your sunscreen on

 This is one of the most important ways to prevent ageing and skin cancer. You should choose a sunscreen that protects you from UVB and UVA sun rays. Also do not forget to put it on every morning before you go out of the house.. ( There were a few times that i got out without putting one and i did not see any damage.. But there was a time when my face was so burned that i really felt pain..And since then i am always careful with this subject..)

2. Don't smoke

 Smoking among other things causes premature ageing, dehydration and wrinkles especially in places where our skin is thin such as around the eyes and mouth..
3. Don't go to sleep without first taking your make up off

 Every time we go to sleep our skin needs to be fresh and clean so that i can breath . And also don't forget to hydrate it..

4. Work out

Our body needs exercise..Don't neglect it..It is important.. Just start with a 30 minute jogging around your neighbourhood or at a park..

5. Drink water

There are many reasons that explain how important is water for the human body.. But in our case it is important because it contributes in leaving our skin healthy and young and also eliminates the unwanted toxins from our body.

6. Don't drink a lot of alcohol

The consumption of alcohol without measure , beyond the effects on health has an impact on appearance, such as weight gain , dry skin etc.

7. No stress

Nothing helps to keep the youth as you get rid of stress, which not only hurt the body, but usually leaves scars in our face.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My outfit of the day..!!

Today we had many outside tasks to do...We woke up really early in the morning and came back in the evening.. I was so tired.. As we were on our way back home i thought why not take a picture of my outfit.. I don't wear anything special but still wanted to post my casual outfit...

And on my way home i saw this soooooooooooo cute and sweet chow chow...I just wanted to hug it... I wish i could have one...But because we leave in appartment we decided to take a cat.. But someday i will buy a big house with a huge garden and i'll have at least 3 dogs in it.......:))))))) Do you have any pets...??? 

My summer nail polish collection...!!

So this summer i really got into nail polishes and i decided to renew my collection.. This OPI ones i got from sephora bazaar... They had them 70% off so i got 2 of them and i actually didn't know that this brand even existed... I watched some videos on youtube and i saw that many people were pleased with this brand so i thought why not give it a try.. I like them a lot but the pink one has a weard smell and i don't why..
These next ones are from seventeen and a friend of mine had a coupon from a local drugstore so i got them in half price... Among many colors i chose these ones and i noticed that i use them more than any other. 

I know that the next colors are more for autumn but i really liked them...I just saw them and i loved them.. I can't wait for autumn to begin so i can wear them more often..!!! So  tell me in the comments below what is your favourite nail polish color for summer and for autumn...!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Welcome to my blog...!!

Hello to everyone...!!! My name is Sophia and i just took the courage to make my own blog.. I am sooo looking forward to meet you and share my thoughts on fashion, beauty and some life experiences with you..
 So here is the first photo that i posted.. I am on my vacations at a place that is located in south Greece.. I came here for about a month to relax because i had a really rough year.. This photo was taken by my boyfriend.. We went to a greek tavern and as we were leaving i thought that there was a really great view to take a photo..We go to this tavern everytime that we come here.. The people here are so polite and the service is great.. But my boyfriend ordered too much (as always) so we took some with us.. And this food is in the white bag that i carry...And after that we went downtown for ice-cream but unfortunately we did not take any picture... It was a really great day...!! Were did you go for your summer vacations..??? Did you have fun?? Did you eat??? (because i did......a lot..:)!!!)